Yuria's Log: Day 5 - 7

Day 5
     "We need to check out that glint from last night. Give me a moment," said Drogo as he disappeared into the surrounding trees.
     I don't think anyone, except Loogan, rested. We could barely lay our heads down without worry from our slumber after the attack. I began cleaning up the campfire and anything else that would give indication of our stay.
     After a short bit of time had passed, Drogo returned with a large staff-like branch. I assume he searched the grounds for a fallen tree by the looks of the branch.
     "Why don't some of you stay here while a couple of us scout the area first? It's probably best. We wouldn't want to take the mule up the mountain side without cause," said Drogo. His eyes landing for a few moments on the mule, Sir Thoran and Loogan. I knew what he had meant by the subtle glances. They definitely weren't the quietest of our bunch.
     "Why don't some of you stay here while a couple of us scout the area first? It's probably best. We wouldn't want to take the mule up the mountain side without cause," said Drogo. His eyes landing for a few moments on the mule, Sir Thoran and Loogan. I knew what he had meant by the subtle glances. They definitely weren't the quietest of our bunch.
       "Fair enough," I said. "I'll stay back with the mule. Sir Thoran. Loogan. Will you join me? We'll gather some meals for the evening ahead of us. It'll save us some time."
      "In!" Exclaimed Loogan, already scurrying off to find some game, even if it may just be a helpless bunny.
      "My pleasure, Yuria," said Sir Thoran, taking a swig from his mug.
      "Be safe. We'll be listening if anything happens," I said.
      "Indeed. We'll do our best. Try not to worry Yuria," said Drogo reassuring me. Within seconds, Drogo and Lament vanished out of sight and headed up stream.
       Using his staff to prod the ground for any sunken spots, Drogo slowly lead Lament up to the area that they suspected was the glint in the night. A freshly used fire pit, having been doused not hours ago, was all that was left other than a few footprints. The footprints looked humanoid, but Drogo was certain they matched those that we've encountered throughout our days in the Neverwinter Woods. They lead downhill as though going towards our camp. Lament and Drogo begin following them, hoping to get to us first.
       "You hear that?" Loogan asks.
       "Hear what?" Questions Sir Thoran still drinking from his mug that he had to have refilled three times by now.
      "I heard it. It sounded like someone was coming our way. We should check it out," I said.
       Loogan and Sir Thoran nodded and we began heading uphill, leaving the mule tied up at camp.
       The river is flowing west, meeting the lava field and mountainside. The sounds of rushing water fill the atmosphere. As they get louder, we run into Lament and Drogo.
       "Did you see anything...Or anyone?" Questioned Lament sternly. I shake my head in response.
       "Good," said Drogo. "I think we may have company. We found an extinguished fire that had to have been used just hours ago if not sooner. There were also footprints from our dark elf 'friend' leading this way. We followed them here."
       We all look around, hopping to see some sign of the dark elf, yet relieved to find none. Along the sloping grassland, near the waterfall we see a huge gape in the mountainside where lava and water unite falling through it. We all lean forward to look over the edge for a better look. Maybe, see if there's an entrance we can use.
       Drogo pushes Loogan back and yells, "DUCKK!!!" Backing up, we all dive under the nearest bush, peaking through the branches quietly. A large creature emerges from the chasm. It's wings about twelve to fifteen feet in wing span. It circled the sky and dipped down to a ground level altitude, its eyes scanning and searching. The blue scales upon its skin shimmering as the sun reflects off of it. We keep as quiet as possible. It's a drake. A few of us a bit in awe. A loud squawk from within the cavern could be heard and with a flash of blue, the drake dove back down.
       "Did you see that?!" Loogan was ecstatic. "It was beautiful! I've never seen a drake before. I mean...I've heard about them, but never seen one up live and in person."
       "I wouldn't expect you to have," said Drogo.
       "Definitely, not something we are prepared to take on right now," I said.
       "I think we should go back to town. We need more information about this area. And unfortunately, I have extended most of the knowledge I have," said Drogo.
       "I was thinking the same thing. I'll need to do some research on how to get down that chasm safely," I said in response.
       "Maybe, some kind of levitation ritual would do the job," suggested Lament.
       "Yes, I think that might work. Good idea, Lament," I said.
        Sir Thoran was still standing behind a bush, but nodded agreeably.
        And so, we all agree that we were in no shape to take on blue drakes, nor would we have any way to make it safely into the cave. There has to be an entrance, but right now, we'll have to make our way back to Neverwinter with the information that we've found thus far. We have plenty to investigate and inquiry.
        As we begin traveling back to Neverwinter, stopping to pick up the mule, Drogo spots some tracks from the young wild elves. Sentimentally, he says, "I hope we see the wild elves once again." The day goes by and the night passes with tranquility.

Day 6
       Our journey begins early in hopes we may make it to Neverwinter within two days time.
       "Did you see that?" Loogan asks.
       "Oi," I nod. "I think I saw something move ahead of us. A red blur of some sort. It looked like cloth."
      "Yep, that's what I saw!" Loogan agreed.
      "Let Lament and I go ahead to scout. Stay quiet and hidden," said Drogo. We all hid behind a tree or nearby bush while Drogo and Lament scouted ahead.
       As Lament tried to silently follow Drogo's lead, he snapped a branch. Drogo motioned him to not move. They stood still for a moment. They could hear someone talking.
      "What's that? You. Go over there! I saw something move," commanded a voice from within the forest.
      "Yes, master," replied a nonhuman-like voice.
       Drogo takes a peak, he only sees one figure. Lament looks around the other side and sees three figures dressed in long red robes and five acolytes, or at least, they appeared to be. They look as though they are performing a ritual on the only silver tree in miles. Drogo motions Lament and the two of them begin running.
       I hear something from a distance, but I'm not sure what it is. Branches...Leaves...I sit quietly with my back against a tree, trying to discern the sounds. Then, I hear someone thrashing and flailing through the forest. I see Drogo and Lament appear.
       Out of breath, Lament says, "Three red wizards, five acolytes, draining trees." He takes a moment to breath.
        "A party ran off looking for us. If we circle back, there might be a small group of them left behind. Maybe, we could take them out before the others get back," said Drogo.
        We all nod and follow Drogo's lead. Most of us have heard of the red wizards or Wizards of the Fae, as they are most well known. Their chief offense, fire. Red wizards are rare; usually only one can be found in a town as big as Neverwinter. Finding three...This must be bad luck. That or something is amiss.
        We get back to where Drogo and Lament had first spotted them only to find a demonic creature on guard in their place. We all know that battling with such a creature would probably mean death. We decide to cover our tracks, heading back to town.

Day 7
       Our travel continues filled with much chitter and chatter, but we find nothing that leads us to the dark elf that seemed to be trailing us and encounter no attacks from the undead. This leaves us plenty of time for discussion and planning. One thing is without any answers and that is...How will we find the duergar and where is the entrance to their current residence, Gauntlgrym?

Drogo gets the bracers from last week. DM wants us to think about who we want to meet with in the city and what we want to discuss with them. Also, he wants us to figure out which one of our aspects we want to affect the next part of our adventure.

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